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A modern analytics solution for modern applications
Connect to databases, JSON, XML, and the web
Get all features out of the box, with no setup, no complex sales agreements, and no extra fees
Code, infrastructure, and BI in one unified platform
All the connectors you expected in a DBMS, plus some that you didn’t
Performant at large scales against SQL and non-SQL data structures
Powerful Code Engine
SQL-A is a SQL dialect that simplifies some of SQL's abstract concepts, allows native querying of JSON, XML, and the web, and allows Python and R scripts to run in-line with SQL.
Simple BI Solution
A drag-and-drop web-based dashboard generator allows you to start creating and sharing dashboards within minutes of opening your account. Use ODBC / JDBC to connect to an off-premesis data source to supercharge your dashboards.
End-user access to data with Minimal Code
No-code implementations of multidimensional data cubes and the ability to connect web forms to data tables. Replace complicated development cycles with a simple, full-stack toolset.